The mobile app developed by OverDrive
There are thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines available for reading digitally, and you can borrow them, instantly, for free, using the device in your hand. Explore the collection through catalog guides, subjects, featured titles, and curated lists. It’s a delight to discover new books through Libby. Warm, personal, and easy to use, Libby is great for users of all ages.
Read across devices
All your loans, notes, bookmarks, and reading progress sync across your devices.
Listen in your car
Enjoy audiobooks in your car through Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, or a Bluetooth connection.
Offline access
Download ebooks and audiobooks for offline reading, or stream them to save space.
Send to Kindle
If you prefer reading on your Kindle, Libby can send your library books to it.
Learn more about Libby and get started with your TPL card by clicking here.
Still have questions? Click here for more help with Libby.
Switching from the OverDrive app? Click here to learn more about the transition to Libby.